Thursday, May 14, 2009

classic pegggggg

This day is very boring and I'm ready for it to be tomorrow at 12, but I must press on!

For the record, it's about 80 degrees outside and I chose not to wear deoderant today. I feel like that was a wise choice. I am also wearing a long black shirt...that helps absorb my stench. sike. bad idea. Would it be funny if I became that smelly person? I'm already partially smelly due to my lack of showers, but I think that goes generally unnoticed. I mean my natual stench is awesome! hahaha I'm totally lying. But honestly, my feet are the only things that smell very bad. It's because I wear these cheap-o shoes, like everyday at work. They're old and they have holes in them. So, everytime it rains they become soaked....that does not help the smell, trust me. Sometimes i catch a big old wiff of them. I can only describe them as either Fritos (on a good day) or dog crap (medium to bad day). It makes me wonder if anyone else catches a whiff if the breeze switches directions. Sucks for them!


jasmine a-go-go said...

youre my hero, what do they smell like on a really really bad day?

jasmine a-go-go said...

p.s. claaaassic pegggg!!!!