Tuesday, December 23, 2008

taking candy from strangers?

It's been a while since I've last flogged, which should tell you that I am now the most bored of all. Christmas is in a few days and i have sucessfully not bought a gift for anyone. I boycotted it this year. Well except i know my parents will give me money .... i might have to accept that. I'm probably not going to turn down money that is thrown in my face.

Do you smell that peppa? or poker? or payroll?

I'll take apetit for $300.
Moooo that's what your mother said last night Trebek.
So bebe squared's party is saturday. randi would like to "meat" some cute vegatarian boys. I assume there shall be a decent amount there. if not, she will have to talk to regular boys.
while I, on the otherhand, will be creepy and stare at two boys. I will mainly stare at one boy, because i am loosing my fake love fast for one of them. He will never know the fake love i had for him (dramatic fake crying).
Now from one creepy flogging convo to another..... there is a really cool Costco worker (name: Costco guy obviously) , however we do not know what he looks like. Goal is to go there and find the hottest worker and just assume he's Costco guy. Either we will pick the wrong guy or the hottest one will be 50 with a beer belly and a lot of chest hair sticking out...oh nose hair too. now that's hot.
Creepy #3.....Friday night randi and i played the game "Who will take candy from strangers". The answer is 2 out of 7... a whole 29%. I thought it was 3 out of 7, but i later realized that one of the guys put the starburst i gave him in my beer. his friend later informed me. I'm pretty sure people thought i was super creepy. The looks i got were priceless. I mean hell, i'm not taking candy from strangers.

1 comment:

jasmine a-go-go said...

it smells like a poker/peppah/payroll INFERNO up in this piece! we are so screwed on costco guy.

and tou to the che' for the papa smurf post. he looks so REAL LIFE in the second one, but i know its just him in our dimension....