Friday, July 24, 2009


I promised my faithful readers that I would flog today. I know they get upset when I don't do it everyday. So....what's going on here....well, that'd be a big nothing.

Tomorrow I'm going to Berryville which is clearly the highlight of my year. The annual tractor show. I actually do look forward to it every year. It just gets so hot and I'm too much of a sweaty person to ignore the heat. What's cool is dad displays his rebuilt antique generators and man do people flock to him. He gets lines of people coming to look at his stuff and asking questions. No one else has the lines like he does. I think Uncle Ross is bringing the John Deere he finished rebuilding last year too.

Ahh nothing like a big ol' steam engine tooting it's horn every 5 seconds and going -.2 mph. I could prob fall asleep to the sound.

The best part of the day is the counters. On the way there the siblings always pick 1 to 2 things we will be counting. Past counters are fanny packs, people wearing overalls, confederate flags, missing teeth, amish people, etc. It's fun for the whole family.

Now that I told you the exciting day I will have tomorrow you can carryon with your day as normal. Let's maybe go to the beach this sunday.....any takers???


Thursday, May 14, 2009

classic pegggggg

This day is very boring and I'm ready for it to be tomorrow at 12, but I must press on!

For the record, it's about 80 degrees outside and I chose not to wear deoderant today. I feel like that was a wise choice. I am also wearing a long black shirt...that helps absorb my stench. sike. bad idea. Would it be funny if I became that smelly person? I'm already partially smelly due to my lack of showers, but I think that goes generally unnoticed. I mean my natual stench is awesome! hahaha I'm totally lying. But honestly, my feet are the only things that smell very bad. It's because I wear these cheap-o shoes, like everyday at work. They're old and they have holes in them. So, everytime it rains they become soaked....that does not help the smell, trust me. Sometimes i catch a big old wiff of them. I can only describe them as either Fritos (on a good day) or dog crap (medium to bad day). It makes me wonder if anyone else catches a whiff if the breeze switches directions. Sucks for them!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

uh huh

i'll pick up the tobringgggggggggggggggggg phone today.

Friday, April 10, 2009

hmmmmm no one is listening to me .  i tell them i'm blogging or really flogging.  i love how i could yell and not one is listening to em.  i'm typing and staring at people acting like i'm typing about htme.  chip is just stitting there and maying geting anoyed.  Note: he likes the flog.  he also likes the randomness of the flog.  he also likes the christmas lights in my apartment.  katrin and jasmine are chatting about iphones and no one cares....we don't understand teh iphone apps.  screww that.  oh while i'm flogging i might as well say this cause i'm not going to remember later.  i was talking to chipper and ryan about the's teh new app non for iphone.s  chip says he'll pay $100 for it.  its a good way to make friends.  magnet talk will stick itself to metal once teh app is turned on.  so it might stick to someone's belt buckle.  it's a way to make friends cause your phone will stick to them.    

maura sayss" i love ya uh"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

my poem

I have to work tonight
I hope i don't get into a fight
cause whatever it's about,
I know i will be right
Goshhh it'll be such a horrible sight
especially if he has a large overbite
But i will refrain myself with all my might
and perhaps fly a kite
It'll get up to a very high height
so high all you'll see is the white light, ZING!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

taking candy from strangers?

It's been a while since I've last flogged, which should tell you that I am now the most bored of all. Christmas is in a few days and i have sucessfully not bought a gift for anyone. I boycotted it this year. Well except i know my parents will give me money .... i might have to accept that. I'm probably not going to turn down money that is thrown in my face.

Do you smell that peppa? or poker? or payroll?

I'll take apetit for $300.
Moooo that's what your mother said last night Trebek.
So bebe squared's party is saturday. randi would like to "meat" some cute vegatarian boys. I assume there shall be a decent amount there. if not, she will have to talk to regular boys.
while I, on the otherhand, will be creepy and stare at two boys. I will mainly stare at one boy, because i am loosing my fake love fast for one of them. He will never know the fake love i had for him (dramatic fake crying).
Now from one creepy flogging convo to another..... there is a really cool Costco worker (name: Costco guy obviously) , however we do not know what he looks like. Goal is to go there and find the hottest worker and just assume he's Costco guy. Either we will pick the wrong guy or the hottest one will be 50 with a beer belly and a lot of chest hair sticking out...oh nose hair too. now that's hot.
Creepy #3.....Friday night randi and i played the game "Who will take candy from strangers". The answer is 2 out of 7... a whole 29%. I thought it was 3 out of 7, but i later realized that one of the guys put the starburst i gave him in my beer. his friend later informed me. I'm pretty sure people thought i was super creepy. The looks i got were priceless. I mean hell, i'm not taking candy from strangers.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

hey yoooo

Did you know that it's apparently impossible to lick your own elbow? I just tried and i just failed. I had to do it super quick incase someone walked by.

So, i'm thinking this is the slowest week ever. I was pretty much knocked out asleep at my desk all this morning. It was so quiet and i didn't have too much work to do. So that means i read washingtonpost online, which means i'm asleep in .2 seconds.

Oh goodie, my boss' family just walked in. Apparently they are discussing fun stuff...their wills. Haha...i have to notorize. I have a lot of power. The power of notorizing. In fact, you can just call me The Notorizer. LAME!

OHHHHHHHHHHH myyyyyy goddddddddddddd. So i'm just sitting here at my desk....i have my leg crossed and i was straighting out the bottom of my jeans. There's definately a navy blue thong stuck in teh bottom of my jeans! How do i make it to 4 pm and not notice a thong hanging out my jeans!!!!!!! And to think of all the places i went today. hahhaha what if it dropped out of my pants in a random store eeeeewwww and teh poor employees would have had to pick it up. Oh this is underwear i probably wore this weekend.....definately worn. This is such typical me. Normally i just have my shirts on backwards or bras twisted...this is a new low for me.

the end.